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Scarlett says, "Welcome to my blog!"

Scarlett says, "Welcome to my blog!"

Monday, October 28, 2013

Spirit Week, Fall 2013

It was Spirit Week a few weeks back at the kids' school.  They got to dress up in themed outfits.  Scarlett thought it was great fun, and sweet Max had no idea what in the world was going on.  Here they are in their spirited get-ups ...

Monday:  "Book Character Day"

Max is dressed as Max from the children's classic "Where the Wild Things Are."  (Well, "dressed like" him is a bit of a stretch ... he has a "Where the Wild Things Are" t-shirt on and a gold crown that stayed on his head for all of 30 seconds, but hey, we tried.)

Scarlett is dressed as Fancy Nancy from the series of books by the same name.  (Nancy adores all things fancy and dresses extravagantly, wearing boas, tutus, fairy wings, etc.)

Wednesday:  "Crazy Hair Day"

I bought (allegedly) washable color spray for their hair -- Scarlett of course wanted pink, and Max just went along with whatever we told him to do.  When I picked Scarlett up from school at the end of the day, her entire shirt was pink (and her nap mat, and her car seat).  Luckily, it came out of both her white shirt and her blond hair.  Max's color didn't really get on anything else, apparently because it was too busy permanently adhering to his hair and scalp.  The poor kid still has a green tint to his bangs and front hairline, especially in natural light.

Crazy look to go with crazy hair.

Poor Winnie inadvertently got in on the "crazy hair day" action with a patch of shaved fur and cone of shame following minor surgery the day before.

Friday:  "Pajama Day"

Self explanatory.  Do I get extra crazy-Mom points for changing the kids out of the pajamas they slept in that night into new pajamas for school?  

(By the way, I have no idea why Max is holding a flashlight.)

Another day, another overzealous hug from Scarlett.  Note the bed-head to go with the pajama theme.  (Oh, and watch out, Max ... she may be after your flashlight.)

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