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Scarlett says, "Welcome to my blog!"

Scarlett says, "Welcome to my blog!"

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Fort Worth Zoo with Cousin Jordan

Before the annual Harper family shrimp boil this September, we picked up Cousin Jordan and headed to the Fort Worth zoo for an afternoon of fun.  It was the first time visiting for all of us, except for Jordan, who's a seasoned pro.  

Getting ready to head in.  Max is panting in the September heat, but Jordan is as cool as a cucumber in those sunglasses.   

The whole gang (minus the photographer).

Checking out the baby elephants, Belle and Bowie, who turned one year old over the summer.

Chris and a rhino.

Tiger taking a quick dip in the water.

Handsome guy.

Uncle Chris and Cousin Jordan ...  

... and photo bomb by Scarlett.

This was a highlight for Scarlett -- feeding the tiny birds popsicle sticks dipped in honey and covered in birdseed.  She could have stayed here all afternoon.


There's no clear explanation for the strange scene that went down at the kangaroo statue.  Maybe it was hot to the touch?  Maybe Scarlett was sliding off and afraid she was going to fall?  Maybe she had some kind of terrifying kangaroo flashback?  

I think both of these kids need to steer clear of the Australian outback.

At least Jordan was a fan.

Ice cream break.

Checking out the stagecoach.

And last but not least -- flamingos!

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