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Scarlett says, "Welcome to my blog!"

Friday, January 2, 2015

Trinity Audubon Center and Owl-O-Ween

This fall we headed to the Trinity River Audubon Center for the first time.  It sits on 120 acres just eight minutes from downtown Dallas amid the 6,000-acre Great Trinity Forest, the largest urban hardwood forest in the United States.  The center opened in 2008, and was formerly an illegal dump site that was reclaimed by the City of Dallas.  
Max checks out the fish pond before our hike.

Ready to feed the fish.

Heading out across the marsh bridge.  "Are you sure that's the right way, Scarlett?"

Into the woods.

Taking in the Trinity River.

Nature calls.

Hugs for Mama with a hint of fall in the background.

Hunting for rocks.

An exhibit that demonstrates how rivers form.

The outside of the building, which incorporates recycled materials and does a great job of blending with the surroundings.

A month of so after our first visit, we headed to the Audubon Center for "Owl-O-Ween"--  a celebration of all things owl.  There were owl crafts, owl-themed games, and real live owls on hand to pet and admire.

Painting pumpkins.  Note Scarlett's owl hair clip.

Bird is the word.

The rare Scarlett Owl posing next to her nest.

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