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Scarlett says, "Welcome to my blog!"

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

October fun ... pumpkin patch and pumpkin carving

We were up north in Flower Mound one beautiful weekend in October and decided to stop by the local pumpkin patch.  Apparently 4-jillion other people had the same idea.

Scarlett and Max working their way through the hay maze.

Posing with the pumpkins.

Going for a spin on the train.

Our little pumpkins in the big pumpkin patch.

Mimi and Papa Tig came to watch the kids while Chris and I went on a little trip to celebrate his 40th birthday, and they carved these pumpkins while we were gone.  That's Mimi's on the left, Max's in the middle, and Scarlett's on the right.

Checking the candles.

Scarlett contemplating how the pumpkins will look lit up at night ... probably reaaaalllly spooky!!!

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