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Scarlett says, "Welcome to my blog!"

Scarlett says, "Welcome to my blog!"

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Scarlett's First Trip to New Braunfels

We packed up the car and headed to New Braunfels for Mother's Day weekend. One thing we have definitely established: Scarlett is a flier, not a driver. She's been really great on her four flights so far. Road trips ... not so much. At one point I got in the back seat to try to calm her down while we were driving, but it actually made things worse. Poor baby. She just doesn't understand why she can't get out of her carseat, a/k/a the Chair of Despair.

Scarlett was feeling much better the next day. She took a quick trip to San Antonio to meet her Great Grandfather Geiman, then we headed back to New Braunfels where she watched her Grandpa cook a delicious brisket.

Some friends and family came over for dinner, including Uncle Greg and Cousins Erin and Paul who got some big smiles from Scarlett.

Erin brought the awesome artwork that she made for Scarlett. Dozens of Schwegmanns colored in Erin's design at Scarlett's baby shower back in November, but we didn't have her name finalized yet, so Erin brought it again for us to finish up now that Scarlett is officially Scarlett. What a special keepsake this will be!

Here's Scarlett and Uncle Greg getting ready to head out for Mother's Day brunch on Sunday.

After brunch, the Schwegmanns posed for a group shot. It looks like poor Scarlett started to figure out that another long car ride was in her near future.

Despite the car ride, Scarlett can't wait to go back for another visit, especially when she will be big enough to chase deer, turkeys, and peacocks and ride the tractor with her Grandpa!

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