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Scarlett says, "Welcome to my blog!"

Scarlett says, "Welcome to my blog!"

Sunday, December 5, 2010

How 'bout them Cowboys?

Scarlett comes from a long line of Dallas Cowboys fans on both sides of her family, so she is genetically programmed to be one too. This will likely lead to a lot of heartache. And yelling at the television. And endless complaining about Jerry Jones. But miraculously -- despite a disaster of a season -- the Cowboys beat the Lions a few weeks ago when Scarlett made her first visit to the new stadium to watch the Boys in action. Papa Tig was in town, and we were all excited to check out the incredible new stadium, which you have to see in person to believe.

Posing in front of the stadium on the way inside. (Scarlett was confused as to why her Daddy and Papa Tig were wearing Lions colors instead of Cowboys colors. To play it safe, Scarlett decided to wear pink.)

Go Cowboys!

Time for a break.

Watching Emmitt Smith get his Hall of Fame ring at halftime.

Afternoon nap in Mommy's arms.

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