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Scarlett says, "Welcome to my blog!"

Scarlett says, "Welcome to my blog!"

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Who you calling turkey, turkey?

Scarlett's first Thanksgiving was a great one. We headed down to New Braunfels with BB to celebrate the holiday with Scarlett's Grandma and Grandpa and the extended Schwegmann family. The elusive cold front that threatened to blow in at any moment held off until late afternoon, so Thanksgiving day was uncharacteristicly balmy. Scarlett was somewhat cooperative for a quick photoshoot, although her tolerance took a fairly quick nosedive ...

"Enough with the photos -- I need some turkey and dressing!"

Some of Scarlett's cousins decided to teach her how to text (now she'll probably ask for an iPhone 4 for her first birthday). She tapped out something along the lines of "p2doody" (seriously, it was surprisingly close to an actual word) and we weren't sure whether she was trying to send a text message to P Diddy or whether she was trying to tell us something about the state of her diaper.

And we wonder why Scarlett loves an audience ...

Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving! (And five bonus points for anyone who gets the reference in the post title.)

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