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Scarlett says, "Welcome to my blog!"

Scarlett says, "Welcome to my blog!"

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Scarlett and Santa: Take 2

"You better not pout, you better not cry, you better watch out, I'm telling you why ..." Guess how Scarlett's second meeting with Santa went? You guessed it ... not well. At the Carrington Coleman Santa party the following weekend, Scarlett's fear for jolly old Kris Kringle went from bad to worse. This Santa was a bit more traditional looking, but it did nothing to calm poor Scarlett's fears. I think she was starting to worry that every couple of days we were going to force her to sit on some strange bearded man's lap while a bunch of people stared at her and snapped photos while laughing hysterically.

At least poor Scarlett wasn't alone in her misery. Her friends Laurel and Archer were none too pleased with Mr. Claus, either.

And in the event you find crying-baby-with-Santa photos as funny as I do, click here to see some more from the San Francisco Chronicle. Ho, ho, ho and Merry Christmas!

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