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Scarlett says, "Welcome to my blog!"

Scarlett says, "Welcome to my blog!"

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

One Month Old! (December 17, 2011)

I'm off to a late start with Max's monthly photos but will get caught up shortly. At one month, he already had great head/neck control. Sleeping (especially during the day) has been a challenge, and he had (and continues to have to a lesser degree) a really fussy period in the evenings. We finally figured out it was because he was exhausted from not sleeping enough during the day, so we've made every effort (including driving him around in the car, which puts him to sleep like magic) to make sure he gets enough daytime sleep so he's not completely frazzled by the time evening rolls around. He loves to be held and loves snuggles, which is nice since Scarlett isn't much of a snuggler! It could be my imagination, but I think his hair is getting a bit lighter. His eyes are still dark blue, and it seems like he is getting longer and chubbier every day.

Here is sweet Maxwell on his one month birthday.

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