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Scarlett says, "Welcome to my blog!"

Monday, January 30, 2012

Scarlett's Elmo Taco Birthday Party

Scarlett celebrated her second birthday with an Elmo-themed Schwegmann taco party at her Grandma and Paw's place down in New Braunfels last weekend.

Why an Elmo taco party, you ask? It's simple, really. Scarlett loves Elmo. And Schwegmanns love tacos. Taco parties are a sacred Schwegmann family tradition that has spanned many generations. There has been a lull in recent years, and Scarlett's birthday and recovery from her health scare last fall gave us a great reason to revive the tradition, Elmo-style! (And no, the tacos did not feature Scarlett's favorite furry red friend. Although I bet he tastes just like chicken.)

Enjoying the beautiful weather the day before the party.

Seasoning the meat the night before. Paw gives it a sniff to make sure it's just right. Although there's a closely guarded written recipe, much of the preparation is done by "feel" (or by smell, if you will).

Some playtime before the party.

Spreading the meat.

Frying (there are four "fryers" working at the same time).

The finished product, hot and ready to serve. There were 300 tacos in all!

Elmo decorations.

And of course, Elmo cupcakes!

Blowing out her candle.

The Elmo cupcakes were delicious!

Pinata time! (No worries, it was a pull string pinata, not a "beat Scarlett's favorite friend with a stick until he busts open" pinata for fear of traumatizing the little ones.)

Even Max got in on the Elmo action.

The party guests included my godmother Cherry, her husband Jim, my godfather Bud, his wife Kay, Bud and Kay's kids Kaysie and Radford (who grew up two houses down from me) and their kids. They all live in the area, and it was great to see everyone.

The guests of honor taking a break to check out Scarlett's new book from Cherry.

The highlight of the party was an Elmo-themed hayride planned and orchestrated by Scarlett's Grandpa and family friend Randy White. They really outdid themselves, so much so that I figured the hayride deserves its own post, which will be coming shortly. Until then, here's a group photo with some of the party guests.

Happy, happy birthday Scarlett, and a special thank you to Scarlett's Grandma and Paw for hosting such a special party!

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