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Scarlett says, "Welcome to my blog!"

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Max is Five Months Old! (April 17, 2012)

Our big boy is five months old and still growing like a weed.  His big accomplishments this month include blowing raspberries and "talking" up a storm (he's moved on from just cooing to making lots of different sounds with various inflections).  He's got an amazing grip, which is problematic when what is in that amazing grip is a fistful of your hair.  He can sit up with assistance, so a few weeks ago we pulled out Scarlett's old excersaucer and jumperoo (which are technically Chandler's and soon to be baby Alysse's).  Max has been having lots of fun standing and bouncing in these contraptions and pulling, twirling, and chewing on the various items attached to them.

Max still smiles all the time and is almost always in a great mood.  (The rare exception goes something like this: "Hey, how's it going?  Good?  Glad to hear it!  Me?  I'm great, FAN-TAS-TIC.  Wait.  No I'm not.  Never mind.  I'M HUNGRY and/or TIRED!!!  Oh, the humanity!"  Except of course he can't talk.  But if he could, I imagine this is how a conversation with Max would go.).  Although there are countless things that make him smile, one thing our sweet baby boy does not like one bit is loud noises.  The vacuum cleaner is apparently a big mean monster set out to destroy our house, the power tools being used for the construction going on next door may very well be weapons of mass destruction, and BB's legendary sneezes are downright terrifying (although Chris and probably many others would agree with Max on that last one).  

We haven't started him on solids yet, although he watches us like a hawk when we eat and drink -- clearly, he's getting the idea and he likes what he sees.  We'll give him his first taste of something delicious (well, as delicious as a pureed something can be) in a few weeks when he turns the ripe old age of 6 months. 

I continue to maintain that he's the cutest and happiest baby I've ever seen.  (And I'm being completely unbiased in saying that.  Not buying the unbiased bit?  Well, he's still undeniably cute no matter if it is his own Momma/Mommy/Mom saying so.)

And here is the adorable Mr. Max in all of his five-month-old glory.

 "Hello, ladies.  How you doin'?"

Big boy.

 Sweet face.

Rockin' the fedora at Chicken Scratch with Papa Tig.

"Why am I wearing this awesome hat?  Because that's how I roll."

Happy baby.

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