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Scarlett says, "Welcome to my blog!"

Scarlett says, "Welcome to my blog!"

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Scarlett and "That Guy"

A few days ago, Scarlett wandered into the chapel at OCH and a statue caught her eye. The following conversations ensued over the next several days:


Day 1:

Scarlett: Hey, who's that guy?

Chris: That's Jesus.

Scarlett: What's he got there?

Chris: A stick* and two sheep.

Scarlett: Oh. I'm going to play the piano now.

[*I have since informed Chris that it's called a staff. He noted that Scarlett is two and doesn't know what a staff is. I noted that he's 37 and apparently doesn't either.]


Day 2:

Scarlett: I want to go see that guy.

Me: What guy?

Scarlett: Jesus.

Me [begrudgingly, because the chapel isn't exactly intended to be a playroom]: How about we go to the playground instead?

Scarlett: Nope. I want to see that guy.

Scarlett [after entering the chapel and asking to be picked up so she could check out "that guy"]: Oh no! Where are his shoes?

Me: He doesn't have any.

Scarlett: What if he goes outside?

Me: Ummm ... then he wears sandals.

Scarlett: Where are his sandals?

Me: Ummm ... I think he lost them.

Scarlett: I'll find them. [She then proceeded to scour the chapel for a good five minutes, looking under the pews, around the piano, etc., but no luck. Jesus's sandals remain at large.]


Day 3:

Paw [upon realizing one of Scarlett's socks was missing]: Scarlett, where is your other sock?

Scarlett: That guy has it.

Paw: What guy?

Scarlett: That guy. He came in my room and took it.

So Scarlett is now apparently accusing Jesus of petty theft. But I guess I see her logic -- "that guy" is missing his sandals after all, and desperate times call for desperate measures.

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