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Scarlett says, "Welcome to my blog!"

Scarlett says, "Welcome to my blog!"

Monday, April 30, 2012

Sports Quiz

While Scarlett's Daddy and Paw watched a Spurs playoff game this weekend, I asked Scarlett the following questions:

Me:  Scarlett, who do you like better -- the Spurs or the Mavs?

Scarlett:  Mavs.  [much to the dismay of her father and grandfather]

Me:  Who do you like better -- the Cowboys or the Redskins?

Scarlett:  Redskins.  [much to the dismay of her father and both grandfathers]

Me:  Who do you like better -- the Longhorns or the Aggies?

Scarlett:  Aggies.  [much to the dismay of too many people to list ... there was a collective gasp in the room over this one; ok, so maybe I was the only one who audibly gasped, but really, Scarlett?!??]

Chris:  Wait a minute ... she's answering with whichever team you name second.  Try mixing it up.

Me:  Good point.  Scarlett, who do you like better -- the Aggies or the Longhorns?

Scarlett:  Aggies.


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