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Scarlett says, "Welcome to my blog!"

Scarlett says, "Welcome to my blog!"

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Max is 18 months old! (May 17, 2013)

Max turned 18 months old last weekend.  There's no question that our boy is no longer a baby.  He runs, jumps, climbs, tumbles, and is always on the move.  He's constantly trying to talk someone into letting him "outside" so he can look for rocks, dig in the dirt, pull weeds (read:  grass and flowers that don't need pulling), jump in puddles, stomp in mud, run in the sprinkler, and get soaked by the water hose.  He also adores "driving" our cars, which involves him sitting in the driver's seat while turning the steering wheel and pushing various buttons, and we are regularly bombarded by requests to "drive?  drive?" while he motions as if he's turning an imaginary steering wheel.

Max is full of smiles and makes us laugh all the time.  And he's noisy (much more noisy than Scarlett was at this age), generating a steady stream of screeches, usually inspired by either hunger or sibling squabbles.  One of his new bad habits is that he throws anything and everything -- rocks in the yard or pillows in Scarlett's room (not so bad), full cups of milk in the kitchen or a remote control at Scarlett's head (bad).  If we scold him by sternly saying "NO, Max," he'll look at you seriously for a moment but then breaks out that irresistible smile, so you can't stay mad.  He's also getting pickier about eating.  Sometimes he inexplicably turns his nose up at toddler staples like grilled cheese or hot dogs.  Other times he acts like he hasn't eaten in days and eats adult-sized helpings (lasagna is his current favorite).

Max and Scarlett for the most part get along great.  Scarlett loves to mother him, holding his hand in parking lots, telling him not to worry when he cries, and teaching him and explaining things ("Max, when you're big like me ...[insert wise Scarlett advice]" is a regular thing we hear form her these days; so sweet).  She tells him she loves him every day and continues to give him lots of her trademarked hugs/strangle holds.

Max had his 18 month appointment with Dr. Curry yesterday and his stats are as follows:  height 34 inches (91%), weight 28 lbs 5 oz (90%), and head 100% (didn't note the actual measurement, but we'll just call it BIG).

Here's a list of words he's saying these days (although I'm sure I'm leaving some out):  hot, brrrrrrr, up, down, please, more, Mama/Mommy, Daddy, Nana (for Winnie), BB, outside, yeah, no, back (for backyard), bath, book, cookie, this, that, t.v., ball, juice, uh-oh, off, light, pee pee, poo poo, baby, waffle, drive, gate, giraffe, packet (what his pureed snacks come in), puppy, banana, cracker, shoe, hi, bye, truck, bird, mmmmmm (when he sees food), rock, grass, bird, owl, trash, milk

Now here are some photos I took on his 18-month birthday!




Riding the Batmobile.  (Note the "vroom-vroom" face.)

On the move.

Pointing out an airplane overhead.

Happy 18 month birthday, Max, we love you!

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