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Scarlett says, "Welcome to my blog!"

Scarlett says, "Welcome to my blog!"

Wednesday, May 15, 2013


It rained last week, and before I knew it, the kids were stomping and jumping in puddles in their clean clothes and good shoes.  But since they were already wet, we just rolled with it splashed in it.  

Casting a really serious spell with her princess wand.

You know the good times are rolling when Max takes his pants off.

Sweet face.


Pointing to an airplane flying overhead.  (Max loves all things that fly and points them out to everyone so we can admire them as well ... airplanes, helicopters, birds, balloons, you name it.  He even spotted a blimp the other day, which according to Max is pretty much the coolest thing to ever fly in the history of things that fly.)



Twirling.  (Can you believe how long her hair has gotten?  Time to cut it again soon.)

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