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Scarlett says, "Welcome to my blog!"

Scarlett says, "Welcome to my blog!"

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Notable Quotables

Miss Lou (Scarlett's Parents' Day Out teacher): Scarlett, I love your outfit. You look so cute!

Scarlett: I know.


Me (nowhere near bedtime): I love you, Scarlett.

Scarlett: But I'm not sleepy!


Me (upon noticing a gift bag I accidentally left in the car): Oh, look Scarlett -- a present!

Scarlett: What in the world?!?


Me: Scarlett, where is Daddy?

Scarlett: New York.

Me: What is he doing in New York?

Scarlett: Work.

Me: When Daddy is in New York and he goes to Time Square and sees all of the people walking around reaaaaaallly slowly, pointing and looking up at the tall buildings, and wearing fanny packs, what does Daddy say?

Scarlett: Ugh, tourists!!*

(*Confession: I trained her to say this one over the last couple of days. For some reason, tourists in New York drive Chris absolutely nuts, despite the fact that at this point he is one himself.)

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