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Scarlett says, "Welcome to my blog!"

Scarlett says, "Welcome to my blog!"

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Notable Quotables

Me: Hey, porkchop.

Scarlett: I am not porkchop. I'm Scarlett!

Chris: Are you Daddy's porkchop?

Scarlett: No, I'm Mommy's porkchop.


Me: Scarlett, is your last name Schwegmann?

Scarlett: I am not Schwegmann. You are Schwegmann!


Me: Scarlett, where is Daddy?

Scarlett: I don't know.

Me (said in an exaggerated game show voice; I thought it would be funny to teach her to say this, but no luck): He's in Washington D.C., our nation's capital!

Scarlett (after a dramatic pause spent looking at me like I'm nuts): He's at work, silly.

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