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Scarlett says, "Welcome to my blog!"

Scarlett says, "Welcome to my blog!"

Friday, October 26, 2012

Follow the Yellow Brick Road!

Scarlett and Max went trick or treating up at Chris's law firm this afternoon.  Can you guess our theme for Halloween this year?  Introducing ...


And the Lion!

"Real Toto" (aka Winnie, playing the part of Toto) was inside taking a nap, so "Pretend Toto" (a stuffed dachshund that looks remarkably like a miniature Winnie) stood in as a body double.  You're welcome, Winnie.

Also not making an appearance today:  the Wicked Witch of the West (played by yours truly) and the Tin Man (played by Chris, whose lack of enthusiasm for Halloween costumes is rivaled only by Winnie's, although they both humor me/suffer through it).  Along with Real Toto, we will all hopefully be photographed in costume with Dorothy and the Lion before we head out for trick or treating on Halloween.

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