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Scarlett says, "Welcome to my blog!"

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Pumpkins (and a Bus Ride!) with Papa Tig

Last Friday while Papa Tig was in town we joined what seemed like every baby, toddler, Mom of a baby or toddler, and person over the age of 65 in the city of Dallas at the Arboretum.  Lucky for us, we covered every demographic, or they might not have let us in.  I naively figured it wouldn't be too crazy because it was a weekday, but boy was I wrong.  I think the combination of beautiful weather, Halloween just around the corner, and what had to be senior discount day led to a massive crowd that required parking over a mile away and being bussed over to the Arboretum.  We almost abandoned the whole plan when we saw the huge line for the bus, but it moved quickly and everything ended up working out just fine.  The funny thing is, getting to RIDE! ON! A! BUS! for the very first time was the highlight of Scarlett's day.  (Maybe next year we can skip the Arboretum altogether and just ride around on a DART bus wearing pumpkin shirts for an hour or so.  The pictures might not be as cute, but we'll save money on the price of admission.)

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