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Scarlett says, "Welcome to my blog!"

Scarlett says, "Welcome to my blog!"

Sunday, June 20, 2010

BB's Visit

Scarlett's BB came for a visit a few weeks ago and we had lots of fun. First, lunch with good friends and shopping were on the agenda. Thanks for the fun beach bag, BB!

BB helped Scarlett make her first Father's Day present -- hand and foot prints for her Daddy. Scarlett was very interested in watching the prep work.

But making the actual prints ... not so much.

Scarlett showed BB her swimming skills (well, really more like "water lounging" skills), and the ladies showed off their new hats.

Next we loaded up the car and headed to the Hill Country. First stop was Grandma and Grandpa's house.

Next stop was Kerrville to visit my godmother Cherry and her husband Jim. We accidentally crashed their wedding anniversary. Scarlett wore a cherry outfit in celebration of the event.

We spotted lots of wildlife, including this family of three, but Scarlett was not all that interested. She had better things to do (like chew on her hand).

We had a great time on our road trip as well as the rest of BB's visit. Scarlett loves her BB and can't wait to see her again!

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