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Scarlett says, "Welcome to my blog!"

Scarlett says, "Welcome to my blog!"

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Five Months Old! (June 21, 2010)

Here are some shots of Miss Scarlett on her 5 month birthday. She's getting to be such a big girl! (17 pounds, 8 ounces to be exact according to Peggy's cat scale that she loaned us.)

Such a sweet face.

Scarlett gnaws on anything she can get her hands on -- Sophie the giraffe, her teething rings, blankets, her own hands, my knuckles, you name it. Maybe a tooth or two are planning to make an appearance soon?

This chair tastes delicious.

Hanging out on the front porch (but only for a minute or two because it's SO CRAZY HOT outside).

Back inside where it's nice and cool (well, at least sort of cool).

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