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Scarlett says, "Welcome to my blog!"

Scarlett says, "Welcome to my blog!"

Thursday, June 10, 2010


Scarlett is beginning to LOVE to play! Probably her #1 activity at the moment is hanging out in the exersaucer her friend Chandler loaned her. Thank you, Chandler -- the exersaucer rocks!

She also has gotten really good about spending time on her belly (something she was not a fan of until recently). Looks like she's practicing to get ready to crawl.

Poor Winnie doesn't understand why there are so many new toys in the house that she isn't allowed to play with. It's just not fair!

Soon enough, instead of Winnie messing with Scarlett's toys I suspect the problem will be Scarlett messing with Winnie's! (Note Winnie giving Scarlett the side-eye ... Winnie might be on to her already.)

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