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Scarlett says, "Welcome to my blog!"

Scarlett says, "Welcome to my blog!"

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Boyd the International Baby of Mystery

Scarlett recently met baby Boyd, who she has admired from across the pond for ages (well, for just a few months, really, but she's only five months old after all). Boyd was born in England in December, recently moved to Muscat in Oman, and has Texas roots. How intriguing is that?

"Hello, Scarlett. How do you do?"

"Hello there, Boyd."

Boyd did what any self-respecting gentleman-baby would do when meeting a lady for the first time -- he offered Scarlett a drink.

And then he smacked her in the head with the cup. I'm sure he'll work on polishing his skills so he's a bit smoother next time he sees her.

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