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Scarlett says, "Welcome to my blog!"

Scarlett says, "Welcome to my blog!"

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy Father's Day!

Happy Father's Day to Scarlett's Daddy, Grandpa, Papa Tig, Great Grandpa Barnhouse, and Great Grandpa Geiman! We had a fun day at the pool, a nap, and a delicious dinner. Chris cooked his own Father's Day dinner, which I feel a bit guilty about, but he swears he enjoys cooking (and I certainly enjoy eating his cooking). Scarlett and Sophie the Giraffe helped a little, too. Chris even made a delicious berry crisp. How lucky am I (for this and many other reasons)?

Scarlett discovered her feet this weekend and now she wants to grab and hold them all the time. Those chubby legs kill me.

She also is taking more of an interest in Winnie. Soon Scarlett will probably want to grab and hold her all the time (she got a quick ear tug in this afternoon while we were playing on the floor). Winnie -- enjoy your freedom while you can.

One last shot of Miss Scarlett in her Daddy's lap.

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